Top 10 NCAAB Handicappers

Below are a list of the 10 Best NCAA Basketball Handicappers based on results over the last 30 days. We track sports picks daily and rank experts for each game they've picked. Picks must be entered into our system before the start of the game.
Dennis Mathews Expert Handicapper

#1 Dennis Mathews

Verified since 4/9/2015

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If you spend enough time talking to sports bettors you're bound to hear the term value. Finding value is an absolute necessity to successful sports betting and yet many bettors don't understand the concept. Dennis Mathews has spent the past decade accessing value with his sports picks and he is ready to help you invest with a purpose. Dennis defines value as determining whether a selection has equal to or greater odds then the probability of winning. If the odds are less then the probability of winning there is no value. Dennis has mastered his approach to spotting value in the sports predictions he releases for MLB, NFL, NBA, NCAAF and NCAAB. Dennis Mathews is apt to offer the edge over sportsbooks that adds to your bottom. is proud to feature such a dedicated and intelligent sports investor that exceeds in value over cost.
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Lenny Bruce Expert Handicapper

#2 Lenny Bruce

Verified since 11/21/2008

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Lenny Bruce has earned the well deserved nickname the "Vegas Crusher", and has quickly become one of the most trusted names in the Vegas handicapping circuit. Few sports handicappers can taut the track record of Lenny Bruce and he continues to prove year after year why his daily releases are the most sought after picks in the country. Over the last year, Lenny has gotten away from the mainstream daily grind of receiving percentage fees from his clients and has elected to enter the private online market catering to his high stakes players via Lenny is a career long sports handicapper with numerous sources, strategies and connections in the industry. Lenny is known to exhaust every possible source to provide consistent winners for his members. With Lenny's strong following of high-stakes players, it is best to get his plays early as to take advantage of the posted numbers before his network moves the line. Growing up in an Italian family in the lower east side of Manhattan, Lenny has been around gambling his entire life. Following the lead of a close family member, Lenny was lured to Las Vegas in the late 1970's to pursue the excitement and fast paced lifestyle being offered by his established family connections. From casino host to sportsbook operations, Lenny has run the gamete in the gaming industry, but quickly realized his best talents were always with picking apart the Vegas sportsbooks. During the 80's sportsbook were a lot more susceptible to the Sharps, but today's lines are sharper, and the books have an abundance of digital information which has subsequently tightened the betting lines. Today, lines are sharper, books are smarter, and it takes a true professional to win consistently. I use several criteria in making my selections. First off, I have access to top information. I know what sides the Vegas pros or "wise guys" are on and use this to my advantage. Second, I have access to the best software around, giving me hundreds of computer projections on any game I choose. Combine that priceless information with pure gut instinct and my knowledge of stats and trends and you have yourself a winning combination that will provide a consistent edge over the linesmakers. Lenny has enlisted the help of Dallas Campbell and Stewart Phelps to help run 411Tilt. "Each of these guys brings such a unique approach to sports handicapping, we work so well together and it's truly a great blend of talent we share with one another". Please join me this season for that extra advantage required to stay one step in front of your sportsbook.
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Frank Delgotto Expert Handicapper

#3 Frank Delgotto
ATS Experts

Verified since 9/4/2014

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Sports handicapping and sports betting has been my life for over 25 years. I have been gambling over half of my life and I know there is no substitute for experience and patience when you gamble on sports. The biggest mistake I made when I initially started betting on sports was to not consult an advisor which is what lead me to work hard and gain the experience I need to advise my clients. You must approach sports betting methodically and never let your emotions get involved. Trust your research, trust your experience and trust the numbers.
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Doctor Pauls Expert Handicapper

#4 Doctor Pauls
Documented Handicappers

Verified since 7/23/2008

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Hello friends and welcome to a new kind of sports betting. I employ betting principles that blends a keen understanding of odds value with statistical analysis. There are no "Get Rich Quick" schemes in sports betting, as there will always be highs and lows, but I have proven my odds value technique to be a long-term strategy for success. I handicap all majr sports, specializing in college football and basketball. I will go toe-to-toe with any handicapper in the business and have the records to back it up.
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Richie Law Expert Handicapper

#5 Richie Law
Documented Handicappers

Verified since 4/23/2009

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I look forward to bringing my financial background and investment strategies to the Documented Handicappers community. As a former stressed out day trader, I swung into the sports investing market as an outlet from the stocks. It was an easy transition for me and I have developed a way to use my advanced analytic tools which guided me towards promising stocks and applied it to sports investing. I discovered that my education and statistical knowledge allowed me to identify weak betting lines giving me an advantage to predict sports picks that were safer than a blue chip. I provide MLB, NFL, NBA and NCAAB picks for Documented Handicappers and I look forward to giving you sound sports advice.
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Scott Riley Expert Handicapper

#6 Scott Riley
ATS Experts

Verified since 9/4/2014

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I started tipping when I was 21 years old for my own benefit and it eventually lead to providing free picks in sports betting forums. I made sports handicapping a profession in 2009 and I have been able to parlay it into a nice career. I learned from mistakes early in my career to allow me to now provide sound sports betting advice on a consistent basis. I look forward to serving as your lead sports expert for NFL, NCAAF, MLB, NBA & NCAAB.
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Fred Berns Expert Handicapper

#7 Fred Berns
King Sports Picks

Verified since 7/15/2012

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As in life, there is no substitute for hard work, a passion for what you do, and having information that the general public doesn't have access to. Those words best describe the betting strategy of Fred Berns and the value he provides to his clients. The well-connected Berns has more than 15 years of sports handicapping experience and has spent the last seven years with King Sports Picks as one of the top touts. Fred literally set and adjusted the lines at some of the biggest books in Las Vegas so no one has a better understand of how the sportsbooks operate than him. Fred's success stems from his power ratings and thousands of trends personally tracked over many years. These have proven to be winners time and time again.

Fred moved to Vegas from Albuquerque in 2005 and has made a living betting on sports and professionally handicapping ever since. Living in Vegas has enabled Fred to keep a his finger on the pulse of sports betting. One must eat, sleep and breathe this lifestyle if they want to succeed at it, and this is exactly the same approach Fred takes to his only occupation. It is combination of eating and breathing sports betting 7 days a week that has made him a success. He works this hard so he can stay one step ahead of the competition. In fact he is usually handicapping the entire betting card a whole day in advance, looking at tomorrow's stuff today as organization, dedication and paying attention to the details is the key to success at anything in life. Fred Berns has been one of the most consistent moneymakers at King Sports Picks. He is generally considered to be the best NBA handicapper in the country thanks to a remarkable seven consecutive winning seasons. That includes an amazing $10,000 in profit for $100-per-Unit bettors in 2014 alone and you can bet that Fred will pick apart the books again this season.

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Walt Kramer

#8 Walt Kramer "The Fox"
Fox & Hound Sports

Verified since 12/3/2008

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Walt Kramer is a seasoned pro in the sports handicapping world. He has been servicing hundreds of loyal players for many years from his home in Henderson, NV. Walt is affectionately called "The Fox" by piers and customers for his his relentless work looking up information and uncovering important stats prior to making his selections. His keen eye for these stats have allowed Walt to become a full time gambler/sports handicapper. Walt prefers to be called a gambler since he plays all his own action but knows his real niche is helping the amateur player make money against the book. He realizes that many people gamble for fun but he takes his picks and job as a handicapper very serious. He feels his 60%+ winning percentage demonstrates this ongoing commitment. Walt decided in September 2005 to join forces with Don "The Hound" Hagen to create one website where two of the best known and successful handicappers in the world can join forces to help the gambler make the same kind of money they enjoy. They offer games individually or the premium F&H Power Play where they both agree on the same game. The website also details every play for both Walt and Don as well as the F&H Power Play to allow our visitors to track performance prior to buying. With two world class handicappers and daily updated detailed records, you can be assured you are receiving great value from a legitimate sports handicapping service with every game.
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PJ Breid Expert Handicapper

#9 PJ Breid
Sports Picks Forum

Verified since 10/29/2013

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PJ Breid is one of six children and the son of a horse trainer. PJ grew up in Kentucky and was surrounded by horse betting in and around the tracks and was intrigued by the gambling lifestyle. PJ will occasionaly bet the ponies but his main focus has been basketball for the past 15 years. PJ was introduced to a sports handicapper in his early twenties and was schooled on the art of beating the books. There are certain sports betting fundamentals that never change and hold true no matter the team. Sports Picks Forum is honored to work with PJ and his high profile clientele.
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Vincent Moretti Expert Handicapper

#10 Vincent Moretti
Cashin' Tickets

Verified since 3/11/2009

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Anthony Moretti is a first generation Italian-American who currently resides in Las Vegas by way of Boston, MA. Anthony was raised by Italian immigrant parents that believed in hard work. His parents exhaustive work schedules allowed for Anthony to freely roam the streets at an early age. Although Anthony is grateful today, he sure took advantage of being one of the few that spoke English in his family. Both of his parents worked multiple jobs to help support the family and provide a better life for Anthony. For this reason Anthony is forever indebted to his family.

It was very hard for Anthony to focus on school when his friends were always around to help persuade him to hang out on the streets. Anthony learned at an early age that his size was an intimidating characteristic which he could use to his advantage. Anthony claims to have never started a fight but he has never backed down from one either. After numerous run ins with the police for fighting and disturbances, Anthony was guided to the boxing ring where he dreamed of following Rocky Marciano ’s footsteps. Anthony was a successful young boxer becoming a regional Golden Gloves champion and was an intimidation force in the ring using his raw power and quickness to dismantle many young men that opposed him. Anthony was labeled "Tony Touch" given by his trainer referring to the "touch of sleep" he would give opponents after knocking them out. While Tony found refuge in the ring it was becoming very difficult for his trainers and mentors to get him to show up for training sessions. As Tony grew older he was discouraged by how much his parents labored compared to how little they were compensated. Tony would routinely miss training to roam the streets with his friends in search of money making opportunities. At one point Tony was introduced to an uncle of his friend who allegedly ran an underground bookmaking operation. Uncle Nico allowed the boys to hang around his apartment and watch the Red Sox and Celtics and ultimately introduced them to his underground bookmaking operation.

Tony saw this as his opportunity to earn money and quickly became a fixture around Uncle Nico. Tony was often sent to collect money from degenerate gamblers who failed to pay Uncle Nico for lost wagers. As Tony grew older and more knowledgeable about sports wagering and line setting he realized the opportunities that Las Vegas could offer. Tony was often left in charge of the bookmaking operation Uncle Nico ran and was known for setting his own lines. Tony had a passion for Boston sports and it quickly became a passion for making money on all sports. From basketball to horse racing, Tony and Uncle Nico would accept all wagers, under their terms and lines of course. At the age of 29 Tony decided to pack up and move to Las Vegas with high hopes of legally breaking into the sports gambling industry. Tony was introduced to many influential people in Las Vegas by his Boston connections. After years of hard work and a little luck, is pleased to showcase the many talents of Anthony Moretti. With unlimited resources in the sports and handicapping communities, Tony is sure to have a beat on the line before it is released.

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