The Best NBA Sports Handicappers

Rank and money earned are based on a flat $500 unit per pick. MORE INFO

Verified Cappers is a third party, non-biased sports handicapping monitor.
We monitor the top legitimate sports handicappers picks daily. All recommended handicappers release picks to the public 10 minutes after the start of each game.

Member Money Earned Win %
Puss Williamson
+$2,000 (4 - 0) 100%
Chris Bale
+$1,500 (3 - 0) 100%
Matt O'Brien
+$1,500 (3 - 0) 100%
Abe Howland
+$1,500 (3 - 0) 100%
Tommy Hartell
+$1,000 (2 - 0) 100%
Ryland Breed
+$1,000 (2 - 0) 100%
Brad MacKenzie
+$950 (3 - 1) 75%
Cameron Owens
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Dallas Campbell
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Ethan Alexander
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Rich Roth
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Peter Trell
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Alex "Jedi" Knight
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Carmine Luzetti
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Justin Long
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Nate McMartin
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Jon McFadden
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
F&H Power Play
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Pete Mac
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
John R. Block
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Mikhail Lebel
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Poppi Logan
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Scott Riley
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Neil Scott
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Trevor J. Bass
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%