The Best NBA Sports Handicappers

Rank and money earned are based on a flat $500 unit per pick. MORE INFO

Verified Cappers is a third party, non-biased sports handicapping monitor.
We monitor the top legitimate sports handicappers picks daily. All recommended handicappers release picks to the public 10 minutes after the start of each game.

Member Money Earned Win %
Whitney Hicks
+$8,110 (26 - 9) 74.29%
Riley Peterson
+$7,085 (23 - 8) 74.19%
William Jacobs
+$7,025 (25 - 10) 71.43%
Teddy Vintage
+$6,850 (30 - 15) 66.67%
Christopher Rockfeld
+$6,500 (26 - 11) 70.27%
Eddie Hawkins
+$6,455 (24 - 10) 70.59%
Walt Kramer "The Fox"
+$6,320 (27 - 13) 67.50%
Nathan Powers
+$6,285 (26 - 12) 68.42%
Brad MacKenzie
+$6,275 (28 - 14) 66.67%
Jim McDonald
+$5,775 (27 - 14) 65.85%
Lenny Bruce
+$5,735 (29 - 16) 64.44%
OB Consensus Picks
+$5,685 (20 - 8) 71.43%
John R. Block
+$5,495 (22 - 10) 68.75%
Scott Riley
+$5,485 (24 - 12) 66.67%
George Hampton
+$5,455 (23 - 11) 67.65%
Simon Says
+$5,440 (24 - 12) 66.67%
Glen Rockford
+$5,435 (25 - 13) 65.79%
Bob Gaerhardt
+$5,125 (28 - 16) 63.64%
Frank Delgotto
+$4,975 (23 - 12) 65.71%
Marshall Dax
+$4,965 (23 - 12) 65.71%
Kyle Gold
+$4,900 (23 - 12) 65.71%
Tommy Hartell
+$4,850 (25 - 15) 62.50%
Paul Herd
+$4,800 (26 - 15) 63.41%
PJ Breid
+$4,700 (27 - 16) 62.79%
Tony Dickson
+$4,405 (23 - 13) 63.89%